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Bovimix cow block adhesive winter formula
Bovimix Winter Formula
Working time: 22 seconds (at 20° C)
Bonding time: 2 minutes
Shelf life: 12 months from manufacturing date (upon correct storage)
Storage temperature: 20-30° C
Application Temperature: 18-30° C
Make sure that the glue between the block and the claw has a minimum thickness of 3-5 mm.
The curing time of the glue can be accelerated by using a hot air gun.
2-3 minutes after the application (depending on the outside temperature) the block can hold the weight of the cow.
A 200 ml cartridge may grant the application of 8 to 10 blocks. Before every application, a new mixing tip must be connected to the cartridge.
200ml cartridges fits the same dispensing gun and mixing tips as other brands including Bovi-Bond